The Aftermath

This past week has been hard.  It has been physically hard, emotionally hard, and spiritually hard.  The sheer willpower it has taken to get up instead of laying in bed sleeping should impress everyone.

There is a lot to do when someone passes.  The service alone takes time, money, and tons of effort.  Thankfully, one of the benefits of having a enormous family is that there are lots of people to lighten the load.    Aside from the service, we also had things around my parents house that needed to be done.  We managed to get them finished and I felt like we did a good job.

There have been a few things I’ve tried to make a mental note of as the week has passed.

1.  Just think before speaking.  Yes, it seems obvious.  Everyone always thinks it’s obvious.  But, I know for a fact, that I am as guilty as the next person and this is a much more difficult task than we often admit.  This is important in every situation, but especially in a situation of people grieving.  If I manage to hold it together during our conversation – I count this as a win.  There is nothing wrong with crying, but at a certain point I want to feel that I have some sort of control over my body and emotions.  For someone to say to me “Wow, I can’t believe you can just stand there and talk.  I’d be crying if I went through something like that” is odd.  Or saying “I can’t believe you’re at a basketball game.  Shouldn’t you be at home?  Your mom just died.”  is probably not great either.  I am the sort of person who will answer back, but I know not everyone is.  I want distraction from the tears, a little peace after the storm of emotion, and to be completely honest – REAL LIFE MOVES ON.  The world doesn’t stop because I am grieving.  I have to keep going.  Just a reminder that everyone deals with grieving differently.

2. The simple things really matter.  Having someone come to care for the basic needs of our family while we grieved and sat by my mother’s bedside was amazing.  It was an unexpected gift that truly blessed our whole family.    Between the aunt who came and helped with the 24-hour care, the cousin who fed us during the last week of Mom’s life, and the friend who just stopped by with basics like paper plates, napkins and cups – we were so blessed.  People ask what they can do, but the truth is that I couldn’t make my mind work in a rational way.  None of us thought much about eating or dishes or anything like that.  But, once it was taken care of we realized OH!  That was exactly what we needed.  So, thanks.  Thanks to everyone who helped with that and who realized we couldn’t even mentally get to the point of asking for exactly what we needed.

3.  People can be so thoughtful and I should learn from their example.  I have seldom sent condolence cards.  I don’t think I’ve ever dropped flowers by to a friend who had someone pass away.  I usually ‘give them space’ and attend the memorial service.  The people who sent cards, sent a quick Facebook message, or just dropped by for a second to say “I’m thinking of you and praying for you” really made a difference.  I need to be better about this because it really mattered to me that people cared and showed it.

4.  Those things that seem hokey or cliche are much different when it’s YOU who are grieving.  I’ve attended several funeral services at my parents’ church.  I have seen the same screen with different pictures of people I’ve known all my life.  But, there is something so different when you see your own family up on that screen.  The words spoken, the songs shared, and the hugs given just become less of a ritual and just become more real.

5.  Death is never avoided.  People die  Americans try to avoid that reality and we spend hundreds of thousands of dollars each year to try to reverse that truth.  But, the fact is that we all will eventually die.  I would have never said I wanted to be there when my mother passed.  I would never have said I would sit and watch her die for several days.  And, honestly I didn’t WANT to do those things.  But, whether I did them or not – death would not have been avoided.  The only thing I would have escaped were the last few days I had to spend on this earth with my mom.  It was HARD.  We cried A LOT.  It HURT.  But, we laughed a lot too.  We shared memories, we hugged, and we had really good deep theological discussions really late at night/early in the morning that we probably would have never taken the time to sit and have.  I know Mom wanted us all there and she used her final words to ask for three things: She wanted us all to come kiss her, she wanted us to pray with her, and she wanted us to read the Bible to her.  What a testimony this woman was – even in her last days.  My life is richer for spending the last week of her life with her.  I would never have chosen to do it, but now I am so very glad I did.

A moment to brag

Recently it’s been pretty eye opening  to watch my husband do all the things he does.  I mean, I know he’s amazing.  But, sometimes when I step back from the chaos and watch – I am impressed yet again.

We married young and were told many times that we would ‘never make it’.  Of course, when you’re 19 you assume people are crazy.  What could they possibly know about your love?  Obviously, love concurs all…right?  Then, life keeps moving forward and storms come and go and you realize why people say those things – because in many cases it’s very true that people won’t make it.  And they don’t.  But, we have been blessed with the ability to accept, move forward and generally see things in a way that allows us to laugh.

My husband works nights.  He is still willing to get up ‘early’ (for him) and take our children to and fro, feed them, help them with homework, coach their teams, and any other thing that may come up.  I have just recently realized that maybe not everyone understands he works nights.  He receives phone calls and emails nearly every day in the morning and early afternoon.  People expect responses immediately.  Most of the people should be aware, but perhaps they are not?  He answers most people with patience and a generous dose of grace.  He’s a much better person than I am.  Where I am wild, high strung and crazy – he is calm, easy going, and deliberate.  I want to respond to everything and everyone immediately with my ideas.  He usually reminds me to sit back and think about the implications and the repercussions of each plan and action.  Really, it’s a good team because we can see both sides of those situations when we work together.

I am sure that everyone says their spouse is amazing, but I think it’s good to take a bit and brag on them every once in awhile.  They are our second half, our soul mates, our best friends.  People should know why.


Crazy Daze

We have had such a crazy week!  Between work, kids last week of school, fundraising for basketball camp, graduation, and our anniversary – its been wild.  I feel slightly dazed by it all, but I’m trying to enjoy it as we go.  I assume it’s better to enjoy the moment than to miss it all being overwhelmed.

I have to say that I hate the big bags of stuff that come home on the last day of school.  I don’t even know (care) what most of it is.  I honestly just tell the kids to keep awards and supplies and anything else goes in the trash.  I realize this probably makes me a terrible person.   Oh well.

In the midst of all that we also had fundraising happening.  Slushies and flocking were both happening at the same time.  Slushies are done (great money maker)

and we’re still doing the flocking.

I have to say that the flocking is by far the boys favorite fundraiser.  The getting paid to do something like tp-ing is great for any teenage boy. 🙂

Last night my oldest graduated from 8th grade.  It was a good ceremony.  Short, sweet, but heartfelt.  Love that.  I managed to only shed a few tears, and focused mainly on the joy of my boy being successful.

It’s great to see our kids succeed, isn’t it?  It was cool to see on the slide show that the word his class chose to describe him was CHIVALROUS.  I take that to mean I’ve been successful so far.

Today is our anniversary.  I got to sleep in, TJ is taking me to lunch at my favorite spot, tonight we’ll watch the Celtics and eat steaks my husband will grill that will be amazing and better than any restaurant we could go to, TJ will take the boys to flock another victim person, and mainly we’ll just hang out together.  I realize that for most newly weds that doesn’t sound fun, but I find it LOVELY to have the time to spend with the man I love and to actually still love him and want to spend time hanging out.

18 Reasons I love my husband

  1. He makes me laugh even when I don’t want to. Even when the troubles of life are crazy heavy.
  2.  He is tall. He made our kids tall. It’s awesome.
  3.  He can be firm or cuddly depending on the situation and what he needs to be.
  4.  He is super smart, but doesn’t flaunt it or try to make others feel dumb.
  5.  He is real. He doesn’t try to make people like him. Either you do or you don’t & he’s good either way.
  6.  He works hard. He never complains about it, and just puts his head down and gets the job done.
  7. He is quick witted. Everyone who knows him knows he’s hysterical.
  8.  He is kind. He always stops to help people who are broken down on the side of the road or to help anyone who needs a hand.
  9.  He is great with kids. He coaches, teaches, and is always involved.
  10.  He always smells good. It’s really amazing!
  11.  He is loyal and steadfast. He doesn’t give up on people quickly.
  12.  He is calm. He reminds me to be still when I’m whirling out of control.
  13.  He is willing to fight for things he believes in. This goes for beliefs, people, and anything else.
  14.  He is quirky. He always wears shoes & loves new socks more than anyone should.
  15. He’s a fantastic dad. He gives up time, money, & sleep with very little complaining. He holds our children to a high standard and they know it is his expectation that they meet it.
  16.  He is never macho. He doesn’t need to act tough because he’s a giant. He is strong and solid without any act.
  17.  He is honest. He works to keep his word.
  18.  He loves me all day, every day with no exceptions. I know he always has my back. He is the perfect partner for me.

Happy 16th Anniversary to Us!